Insula Turnciuc
At the end of the 18th century, near the village of Choburchiu (on the left bank of the Dniester), the Dniester formed a wide sleeve called Turunchuk. This arm branches off from the Dniesters meander, with a right angle and takes more than half (60%) of the water flow from the river. Soon after the fork, these two channels form a picturesque, wooded island, also named Turunchuk. There you can admire the nature reserve and an incredible view of the river.
Expanded flooded meadows of Dniester with silt-meadow-boggy soils, fragments of poplar willow plantations in the coastal strip and agricultural lands are the main parts of the island. The canopy of the forest is often not touched, there are many meadows within the site, due to the entry of flood waters. Altitudes above sea level: maximum - 15 m, minimum - 1 m, average - 4-5 m, drops - 10-14 m, ull on - 1 st - a
From the dam, the observer has a wonderful view of the Dniester in the place of its division into two branches and a bank forest. Rocky rifts can also be observed at the beginning of the river Turunchuk. Here you can watch the accumulation of wintering and semi-aquatic birds in the area of the roll and downstream, where you can see in particular: Cignus olor, Cignus Cignus Anas plathyrhinchos, Anas crecca, Ferruginous fuligula, Bucephala clangula, Mergus merganser, Mergus Albellus, Argretta alba. cinerea, Podiceps ruficollis, etc. The visitors can observe the spring migrations of various birds (Egretta alba, Ciconia nigra, Pandion haliaetus, Haliaeetus albicilla, etc.), notice traces of mammals, including rare species (otter, badger) on small sandy beaches along.