On the bank of the Dniester, where the cold envelops you and the hum of bees can be heard, Pavel Ţăranu built two houses made of reeds and logs. "On the roof of the houses, the bees make their houses. It's a kind of bee humming therapy. The houses will last at least 80 years. These houses have been loved by tourists from several countries: Iceland, USA, France, Romania, Germany, Italy, etc.”
Pavel Ţăranu is a popular craftsman from Cioburciu, Ştefan-Vodă district, who has built reed houses on the banks of the Dniester River for 13 years.
"They knew what they knew, the peasants who settled in 1528 in this humid valley, at the bend of the Dniester, and who founded the village of Cioburciu. They built their reed houses along the Dniester River and lived in harmony with nature. Why don't we do the same thing? ”, Asks the craftsman.
Pension "Mester-Faur" is open to all nature lovers and is the perfect solution to forget about everyday worries. The pension has a wooden house (Bungalo), covered with reeds, at a height of 6 meters above the water, which has 2 double beds total area 24m square. Two rooms arranged in the house, 2 people each, 2 outdoor dining terraces.
For active rest: fishing, boat rides, motor boat, trips to the green museum (Stefan Voda), Chitcani monastery, Purcari winery, cart rides through the forest.