Cîrnăţeni is a village in the Causeni district. The village has an area of about 2.63 km2, with a perimeter of 10.31 km, being at a distance of 5 km from Causeni city and 78 km from Chisinau. The village of Cîrnăţeni was first officially mentioned in 1651. “Once a great merchant from Tighina stood here. Other merchants and travelers stopped and expressed their wish that “if there were any place to eat and drink, the passers-by would rest and dine. After hearing the travelers’ wish, the mercha...
It is one of the oldest settlements (1410, though, other sources also mention the year 1496) in the Lower Dniester area, dating back to the times of Alexandru cel Bun. Meanwhile, archaeological digs in the region suggest that the village has been populated for over 14 millennia. Traces of cultures from various periods, such as the late Paleolithic, Bronze, and Roman periods, as well as the time of great migrations, were found here. Olanesti is also found on the 1641 map of the Italian geographer Samsone. It is believed that the nam...
It is the southernmost locality in the Republic of Moldova bordering with the Dniester river and being located at the river’s estuary, where it flows into the Black Sea. The village has been known since 1410, the times of Alexander the Good, and between 1443-1447, Iurghici, the burgrave of Cetatea Alba, raised a fortress surrounded by a fence of impregnable beams here. An old description of the fortress depicts it as being rectangular, with three bastions and a tower for storing gunpowder. The fortress was located on the highest hill i...
The first settlement on the way to the “Lower Dniester” natural site is Popeasca village, which is more than two centuries old (dating from the end of the XVIII century). The route passes through Causeni Hill, the highest point in the area, and crosses the village, which is first attested in 1769, being mentioned as Popofka on the general Bauer’s map from 1770 (1774) during the Russo-Turkish wars. The elders say that the village existed even before 1730. It is believed that the founder of the village was Sava Popov – ...
In 1560, Alexandru Lăpuşneanu, by means of a deed, passes the village to the Capriana Monastery. It is believed that the slopes, located on the right bank of the Dniester, in the vicinity of Purcari village belonged for a while to the Zograf Monastery from the Athos Mountain in Greece. It is known that the terraces of the Dniester where the present village of Purcari is located have hosted in different periods of history various human settlements. The settlements discovered here by archeologists are all between 1300 and 2300 years old. The...
If you happen to walk down the Dniester riverbank, through a forest of unseen beauty, you will find yourself on the former estate of the Capriana Monastery, which was offered as a gift by Alexandru Lăpuşneanu (1560) along with other neighboring villages. It is mentioned for the first time in official documents in 1595, however, it was probably also mentioned during the times of Alexander the Good (1418). Certainly, these places hosted human settlements much earlier than the appearance of the present-day village. The archaeological discover...
One of the largest villages in the republic, Talmaza, is also the first locality on the Dniester bank of the Ștefan Vodă district. It probably dates from the 1930s. XVI, although it is mentioned for the first time in an act from the year (1532). In 1595, together with 6 other localities in the vicinity, it was ceded to the Tatar inn. In fact, "Talmaz" translates from Old Tatar as "tireless", a first inhabitant of the village (through the twelfth and fourteenth centuries) may bear a name of Turanian origin, or the nickna...
A circular-shaped fortress, with a diameter of about 80 m and a height of 5 to 8 m, was discovered in the heart of the village, on the Old Moldovan Road. It is an edifice that presents characteristics of an ancient Geto-Dacian or Slavic fortification from the early medieval period of the great migrations. Scientists are yet to express their opinion regarding the fortress’s origin, however, travelers can always see it not far from the beach on the Nistru River. No one knows what the village used to be called in the past, but the legend ...
In the Lower Dniester area, one can find the locality with the oldest documented history in the district – Cioburciu village (which in different sources dates back to either 1405 or even earlier, around 1362). In 1535 the voivode Petru Rares names Tomsa Parcalab of the Cioburciu fortress responsible for the defense of the villages of the Dniester, including Chisinaul Mare (today – Carnateni), Talmaza, Rascaieti, Purcari and Olanesti. Following a number of archaeological digs, on the territory of the present villag...
South of Tighina, in the Nistru valley, there is a region which is famous for its natural fertility. The are is covered with vast orchards, bog forests, marshy and floodable lands. Copanca is located in the Causeni district, which encompasses the village of Copanca and also the Valea Verde village. Copanca is situated at an altitude of 53 meters above the sea level, with a population of approximately 5000 inhabitants. It is located in proximity to the Forest Reservation “Copanca” which is a stated-protected natural area with a su...
Located on the bank of the Dniester river is the “village of brave people”, as the name translates from the Turanian language. The legend of the village says that the Turkish hordes located on the territory of the future village were divided into two: those situated in the western part of the village, near the Yurt creek (yurt – portable living house), and those in the southern part of today’s village, nearby the Curudurea creek. Local people tell of an old fortress in this part of the village. The peasants that came ...
Grădinița - Leuntea
Leuntea village is one of the oldest settlements in the Lower Dniester area of Moldova. The Leuntea estate, with an area of 3160 dozen (approx. 3,445 ha), was bought by the boyar I. Katargi before the annexation of Bessarabia to the Russian Empire. The estate was famous for its fertile vineyard, from which high quality wine was produced, known throughout the county. In the southeastern part of the estate, Katargi built a mansion, a dwelling house for workers and cellars for storing wine. I. Katargi asked for and rec...
The village is located on the old lands of the "Noul Neamț" Monastery, on the bank of the Botna river. That is, in these places, there were grazing ground with musty grass and many fruitful trees. Wild animals and birds swarmed through the groves and groves. And the river Botna had crystal clear water and was full of fish. Not far from these picturesque places, the monastery was built - the one in Chitcani. There were also some large sheepfolds here. Periodically, the shepherds took the cheese to the monastery, but also sol...