Zoning the Territory
In accordance with the legislation in force, a zoning system has been developed for better protection of biodiversity values and sustainable management of the Lower Dniester Ramsar Zone.
The existence of the Ramsar site does not mean forbidding the access of the local population to the territory, but the possibility of sustainable development. Creating the park in the future here will offer the possibility to introduce reasonable payments for organized tourists in the attractive territory for tourists.
The Zone of strict protection (A) includes the most valuable unique natural area, practically unaffected by human activity, remote from the localities and hardly accessible, suitable for self-development and ensuring safe conservation. The largest areas of Zone A are located in Lunca Talmaza, Tudora-Palanca and Copanca-Leuntea.
Criteria for identifying territories to be included in Zone A:
- uniqueness and rarity of the natural object;
- age the forest (presence of old grow sectors) and preservation of its natural structure,
- presence of many protected species;
- permanent presence of bird congregations of the aquatic and wetlands complex.
- real possibilities of respecting proposed protection regime.
In Zone A it is permitted the access of the local population (except protected areas) for collecting berries, mushrooms, whales; research and monitoring; visiting by small groups of tourists (3-5 persons); collecting seed material of wood species.
The Zone of Ecological Reconstruction (B) (3766.8 ha) includes valuable territories of young natural forests, valuable sectors with steppe and meadow vegetation that require some activities to increase and conserve natural resources.
Criteria for identifying territories to be included in Zone B:
- uniqueness and rarity of the natural object;
- presence of many protected species;
- real possibilities of respecting proposed protection regime.
In Zone B, it is permitted the access of local population and the collection of berries and mushrooms; carrying out research and monitoring, visiting by groups of tourists (subject to specifications); reconstruction and maintenance activities; grazing and mowing in accordance with established norms; hunting in the allowed period, except in the spring. It is forbidden to destroy the hollow trees and dead wood; uncontrolled grazing and mowing; construction except nature observation points; keeping livestock and other animals in the stable; other activities that can destroy the natural and cultural heritage.
Zone of limited economical activities (C) (10549,1 ha) includes forest, steppe and meadow sectors that were not included in the zones A and B, as well as some water bodies.
Zone C is intended for sustainable economic use based on local and central authority plans. Also it includes pastures that require special management in order to increase their productivity and preserve flora and fauna.
These lands are mostly involved in economic exploitation, which should be partly limited in order to increase the quality of their resources or to regulate visitors’ access in the frame of recreational use.
The Zone with Economic Activity (D) (44,656.31 ha) comprises other territories where any activity is permitted and that remains the possession of the inhabitants who should ensure rational and non-destructive exploitation of resources in accordance with the legislation.