Old Dniester Riverbed, also called "Blind Dniester"
The Blind Dniester, was formed in the middle of the 19th century when the main course of the Dniester was modified, but at the same time its old riverbed, called the “Blind Dniester”, remained. The total length of the old riverbed is approx. 42 km.
The old riverbed is the largest natural water basin in the country, which contains rich fish reserves and is used for irrigation. It is a habitat of many birds, of rare species of plants, insects, fish, mammals and birds. At the moment it is very muddy, in the northern part on a considerable length the canal is narrowed up to 10 m, and then it practically equalizes with the earth. However, on most of the territory, the width of the riverbed reaches 80 m, and the widest part reaches about 120 m.
The Blind Dniester was of considerable value both for the local population (rich fishing, water for irrigating agricultural land) and for the conservation of biodiversity, including protected species. This natural monument in the wetland of international importance "Lower Dniester" is of great importance for the ecosystems of the landscape reservation "Turkish Garden", and together with it is a key aesthetic element of the landscape (aquatic-marsh ecosystems rare in the country), which is of interest to tourists and scientists.
The Turkish Garden and old Dniester riverbed sector contains a great diversity of forest and aquatic birds, among which in different seasons are found the rare species Falco cherrug, Pernis apivorus, Aquila pomarina, Aquila clanga, Columba oenas, Egretta alba, Cygnus olor. A number of dragonfly species can be found on the banks of the old riverbed: Anax imperator Leach., Aeschna grandis L., Calopteryx splendens Harris. At the same time, from the neighboring biotopes to the banks of the old riverbed enter Iphiclides podalirius (L.), Xylocopa valga Gerst.