5 women entrepreneurs benefited from financial assistance of EUR 2000 each to procure goods and services and therefore start up or develop small businesses in the Lower Nistru region. The winning projects are diverse and were selected from 10 participants at the competition conducted in the framework of the “Ecosystem-based adaptation, climate-resilience measures and institutional development in the Lower Nistru area” project, implemented by Biotica and EcoContact with funding from ADC.
Besides non-reimbursable financial support, the entrepreneurs also benefitted from entrepreneurial skills trainings and mentorship for small business development, to develop environmentally friendly and viable income-generating businesses for self-reliance and independent living.
In Talmaza village, an Intellectual Development Center will be established. The grant (which is co-financed by Sweden) supported the new established institution to facilitate access to innovative technologies in the study process for children in neighboring raions. In addition to promoting non-formal education by conducting innovative courses, the implementation team aims to prepare children in the Stefan Voda raion to participate in international mental arithmetic competitions and Olympiads. The beneficiaries of the project will be, directly, the children from Talmaza village, the teachers who will be hired and trained and the children from other villages in the district.
A Dry & Clean laundry and fabric laundry will be opened in Palanca village. The laundry will be equipped with high-performance automatic machines, with multiple options and programs, and customers who will be assisted by specially hired and trained staff, will be able to clean their clothes at an attractive price. A benefit and, at the same time, the innovation of this business consists in the cushion washing / cleaning service, which will be available to customers - especially the villagers.
Cultivation of seedlings and organic vegetables for trade, will be developed by "Ecaterina Morari" Farm. Given the high demand for local, organic products, it is planned to expand the activity of vegetable production and trade in the national market. This will be possible through the construction of a greenhouse that will ensure the necessary conditions for a quality production.
Production and capitalization of fruits and vegetables at European standard, is the business run by "Mrs. Gherciu" Peasant Household. High-performance mechanical equipment and state-of-the-art technology are the engine of this business plan. By applying new technologies, it will be possible to accurately estimate the time of crop growth and save physical effort in the technical process, as well as improve the quality of work. As the activity of the GTC will take place on the territory of the former cow farm in the village of Palanca, this land will be cleaned and revalued by planting different crops beneficial to human health and the environment.
The Tailoring Individual Enterprise “Niculescu Victoria”, will provide craft and recycling workshops. The business plan provides for the arrangement of the space for the workshop activity, the purchase of cutting equipment and processing of sorted recyclable materials. Thus, the activity will be improved in terms of production, but also in terms of quality and environment. As additional benefits, new jobs will be created.